How to remove property from a JavaScript object
If you want to remove property from a JavaScript object then you can do by following ways.
Remove JavaScript Object Property
lets create one object so we can run and test it.
var user = {
"id": "1001",
"name": "Vikas",
"email": "",
"password": "TesTP2ss",
"createdAt": "20-08-2019"
The will be as follows:
Now we can remove the object property from the following ways:
Using delete operator:
as we have seen the user’s object now before sending to frontend we will delete the password property and then we will send it.
delete user.password;
Or alternatively, you can do the following way as well.
delete user['password'];
If delete won’t work then you can use the following:
user.password = undefined;
Please let me know if it won’t work.